Related to Weight Loss & Obesity

by Admin

Posted on 11-11-2022 02:18 PM

We’ve all had someone telling us to make small changes to our diets and lifestyle to bring big results in overall health. But just how small can these alterations be? as it turns out, you can actually just chew your way to better digestion , weight loss and improved gut health. A 2009 study of a sample of 2,500 women from new zealand, conducted by the department of human nutrition, university of otago, reported that a faster self-reported speed of eating is related to higher body mass index (bmi) in a nationwide survey. According to ayurveda, chewing your food slowly has a direct connection with better digestive health. stomach

When we start to chew properly, three significant health benefits are unleashed: weight control, optimal nutrient absorption, and smooth digestion. Nutrient absorption and smooth digestion are both maximized by salivation and other physiological reactions that chewing triggers. Weight control, and potentially weight loss, can be achieved by reducing caloric intake. These benefits were demonstrated by a study published in the american journal of clinical nutrition. Study participants were asked to chew two ounces of whole almonds 10, 25, or 40 times and were monitored over four days. Participants also reported hunger both before and after consuming the almonds. The results revealed that chewing almonds 40 times (compared to 10 or 25 times) led to decreased insulin levels (an indicator of appetite) more quickly and made participants feel satisfied faster.

After the Weight Loss

So, just how many times should you chew your food? it turns out there’s not one number for every food, and it really depends on what you are eating. A piece of steak needs to be chewed far longer than a bite of watermelon, for example.

How Weight Loss Surgery Works

regardless of whether it works as a weight loss trick, chewing your food properly can be a good habit to take up if you want to improve your digestion. If bloating's a problem for you, take note. As naomi mead, our resident nutritional therapist explains , digestion begins in the mouth with an enzyme in the saliva. Chewing increases the surface area of the food in the mouth and allows the enzyme to more efficiently break it down. "swallowing unchewed food can put an increased pressure on the rest of our digestive system, resulting in problems such as gas and bloating.