The Benefits of Chewing Your Food

by Admin

Posted on 11-11-2022 02:18 PM

Since the dawn of time, chewing has been the primary way of breaking down food into smaller, more digestible particles that can easily pass through the digestive tract. stomach Of course, different foods take a different amount of chewing to break down, and early hominids likely used their teeth to grind down plants and breakthrough tough meat sources. Today, most foods are tender enough to be pulverized with a moderate amount of chewing, but there's still something to be said for taking your time to chew slowly and mindfully. Here are some of the benefits of prolonged and thorough chewing your food:.

The main purpose of chewing is to break your food down into smaller parts so that it can be digested. Some foods require more chewing than others. Most foods only require a moderate amount of chewing. However, you need to chew slowly. There are several benefits of chewing food slowly. The beginning of the digestion process starts with chewing. Your mouth releases saliva to break down the food. This helps the stomach relax so that the food will pass through your digestive system more easily. Chewing slowly also helps increase satiety. Studies have shown that you actually reduce the amount of food that you take in per bite if you chew slowly.

How to Chew Your Food Properly

Have you never been asked to chew food properly by your mom? well, whatever they said about chewing food makes sense now! chewing your food well before swallowing it is beyond necessary. But, do we really use our pearly whites enough? getting time to eat is a luxury in this fast paced life. Hence, the neglect of this basic habit is inevitable. We have heard this over and over again, but that will not refrain us from saying it now. absorb ‘digestion starts in the mouth’. Ayurveda, the ancient science, stresses on the importance of slow and thorough chewing for better functioning of the digestive system.

As a child, i was always told to chew my food properly and i never really understood why. Apart from choking on large bits of food, my mother’s voice has been instilled in me forever — ‘chew your food properly and eat with your mouth closed’. Well, it turns out mum was teaching me a lifelong lesson. In fact, did you know there’s actually a right way to chew your food? according to some, the magic number of times you should be chewing your food is 32 times with every bite. Now you’re probably thinking 32 times is an absurd amount of times, i mean who

has the patience to count to 32 while chewing their food? well if you’re a steak lover it gets worse.

Chewing and the Human Digestive System

If chewing slowly feels like a struggle (especially when you're starving), know that mindfulness is the first step. As dr. Taylor, notes, "if we realize how [our] system works when food is chewed properly, it might help us slow down and be more aware. " from there, you can make simple adjustments for developing healthier chewing habits. To begin, try to avoid distracted eating: eating while scrolling instagram, answering emails, or watching tv, notes dr. Taylor. (don't worry, it's not forever, but just while you're getting a sense of things. ) the same goes for eating on the go, which often happens during driving or commuting.